TTDI cell reunited!

I was just remembering the roots of our cell group today. From Section 19, to SS2, to Seapark, to Ara Jaya and now to Taman Tun. Over 10 years, three multiplications and two restructurings later, we have progressed to the place that we are today.

God's grace and faithfulness have continued to be so evident in and through all the lives of the cell members, and it's so encouraging for me to look back and see His mighty right hand at work the whole time.

After so many years of being involved, I don't feel burnt out or tired in cell (although there are seasons that I have before); I'm as excited or even more excited of what the future holds than when I started out.

I have a feeling that this is going to be a great year with God!

(This is our 'manual' superman pose =P)