Hi all,

There are some people that are sceptical that anyone in our cell looks like Brad Pitt. I would like to do a quick survey to see what you all think because I do think that there is at least one person that looks like him. Do provide your feedback!

Please click on comment to submit your response.


Matty said...

I think the person in middle with the balloons looked like Brad.

Bergson said...

wahlao...i laf non stop!!! Edwin shd be quite close! hahahahahahaha whahahahahaha.

Chris said...

The guy in the middle with the blue shirt and the amazing smile

Sarah said...

He's such a hottie. I want to join ur cell! I come this week!
- Sarah -

Bergson said...

Sarah...wow...dint know that u're so interested! I am impress...hahaha.
on a second tot, the pic looks quite scary...I remember this photo only have chinese...waaaa....hahaha.

Bergson said...

ops...and Japanese

Adeline said...

Hoohoo.... Roger, cant imagine he is in our cell neh!

Sarah, he is mine =D

Papati said...

OK, first of all, Sarah, you're not allowed to check out Brad Pitt.

Second of all, I just realised that only registered users could comment. I've changed the settings so anyone can comment. I'll restrict it again if we get any spam or porn links. Haha!

And thirdly, I think the Japanese guy looks like Brad Pitt.

In conclusion, invite more girls to cell!

Take care and see you all this Saturday and Kah Fai's place. =P

Matty said...

Hrrmm.....should I be reconsidering already...since someone don't want me already....*sob sob

Papati said...

Ooops, sorry!

I mean, see you all this Friday evening for cell at Kah Fai's place in Segambut.

We're gonna check out the venue and pray over it.

Take care!

ģeLïиe said...

wow! u hv brad pitt in cell? haha. no wonder u asked me to check ur blog out =p